Cliff Joslyn
Date: 01/19/2025
Filter: me
- Joslyn, Cliff A: (2025) "Mathematical Representations of Knowledge Hypergraphs", 2025 Joint Math Meeting, [p/reprint]
- Coll, Martin; Joslyn, Cliff A; Landry,
Nicholas; Lotito, QF; Myers, Audun; Praggastis, Brenda; Szufel,
Premyslaw: (2025) "HIF: The Hypergraph Interchange Format
for Higher-Order Networks", Int. School and Conf. on Network
Science (NetSci25), Maastricht, (submitted)
- Battistella, Enzo; English, Sean;
Green, Robert; Joslyn, CA; Lagoda, Evgeniya; Magnan, Van; Myers,
Audun; Nash, Evan; Robinson, Michael: (2025) Permissible Walks in
Attributed Hypergraphs, in: J Complex Networks,
59, (to appear)
- Stoltz, Kevin and Joslyn, Cliff A: (2024)
Properties of Random Boolean Hypernetworks.", Int. Conf.
Complex Systems (CCS 2024),
88, (poster)
- Praggastis, Brenda; Aksoy, Sinan;
Arendt, Dustin; Bonicillo, M; Joslyn, Cliff; Purvine, Emilie;
Shapiro, Madelyn; Yun, Ji-Young: (2024) "HyperNetX: A
Python Package for Modeling Complex Network Data as
Hypergraphs", J Open Source Software, v. 9:95, pp.
6016, https://joss.
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Myers, Audun and Purvine, Emilie: (2024) "Temporal Hypergraphs: Analysis and Dynamics", 2024 Joint Math Meeting, [p/reprint]
- Jenne, Helen; Aksoy, Sinan G; Best,
Daniel; Bittner, A; Henselman-Petrusek, Gregory; Joslyn, Cliff;
Myers, Audun; Seppala, Garret; Warley, Jackson; Young, Stephen J;
Purvine, Emilie: (2024) "Stepping Out of Flatland: Discovering Behavior
Patterns as Topological Structures in Cyber Hypergraphs", The
Next Wave, v. 25:1, pp. 2-16,
- Hagge, Tobias; Joslyn, Cliff A and
Rawson, Michael: (2024) "Bijection Theorems for Property
Hypergraphs", PNNL Technical Report PNNL-35764, [p/reprint]
- Hagge, Tobias; Joslyn, Cliff A; Purvine,
Emilie AH; and Jefferson, Brett: (2024) "Equivalence of
Hypergraph Categories, Second Edition", PNNL Technical Report
PNNL-36472, [p/reprint]<
- Colby, Sean; Shapiro, Madelyn; Lin,
Andy; Bilboa, A; Broeckling, Corey D;; Purvine, Emilie; Joslyn,
Cliff A: (2024) "Introducing Molecular Hypernetworks
for Discovery in Multidimensional Metabolomics Data", J
Proteome Research, v. 23:11, pp. 4789-4801, DOI:
- Coda, Elizabeth; Buckheit, John;
Kennedy, Brendan; Troung, L; Kay, Bill; Emerson, Tegan; Joslyn,
Cliff; Henry, Michael; Kvinge, Henry: (2024) "A Geometric
Investigation of How Large Language Models Perform (or Fail to
Perform) Arithmetic", Conf. Mathematical Theory of Deep Neural
Networks (DeepMath 2024)
- Zhou, Youjia; Jenne, Helen; Brown,
Davis; Shapiro, M; Jefferson, Brett; Joslyn, Cliff;
Henselman-Petrusek, Gregory; Praggastis, Brenda; Purvine, Emilie;
Wang, Bei: (2023) "Comparing
Mapper Graphs of Artifical Neuron Activations", in: 2023
Topological Data Analysis and Visualization (TopoInVis) at IEEE
VIS, pp. 41-50, https://ieeexplor
- Reyes, Hector A; Joslyn, Cliff and
Kreinovich, Vladik: (2023) "Graph Approach to
Uncertainty Quantification", Deep Learning and Other Soft
Computing Techniques. Studies in Computational Intelligence, v.
1097, pp. 253-283, Springer,
- Rawson, Michael G; Myers, Audun;
Green, Robert; Robinson, M; Joslyn, Cliff: (2023) "Formal Concept Lattice
Representations and Algorithms for Hypergraphs",
- Purvine, Emilie AH; Brown, Davis;
Jefferson, Brett; Joslyn, CA; Praggastis, Brenda; Rathore, Archit;
Shapiro, Madelyn; Wang, Bei; Zhou, Youjia: (2023) "Experimental
Observations of the Topology of Convolutional Neural Network
Activations", in: Proc. AAAI Conf. on Articial Intelligence
(AAAI 23), v. 37:8, pp. 9470-9479,
- Myers, Audun; Joslyn, Cliff A; Kay,
Bill; Purvine, EAH; Roek, Gregory; Shapiro, Madelyn: (2023)
Analysis of Temporal Hypergraphs", in: Proc. Wshop.\ on
Analysis of the Web Graph (WAW 2023), Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, v. 13894, pp. 127-146,
1007/978-3-031-32296-9_9, [p/reprint]<
- Myers, Audun; Bittner, Alyson S;
Askoy, Sinan G; Roek, G; Jenne, Helen; Joslyn, Cliff; Kay, Bill;
Seppala, Garret; Young, Stephen; Purvine, Emilie AH: (2023)
"Malicious Cyber
Activity Detection Using Zigzag Persistence", in: IEEE Conf. on
Dependeable and Secure Computing at AI/ML for Cybersecutiry (AIML
23), pp. 1-8, https://ieeexplor
- Joslyn, Cliff A and Praggastis, Brenda:
(2023) "Hypergraph Modeling and Topological Approaches in
HyperNetX", Wshop. on Modeling and Mining Complex Networks as
Hypergraphs, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Ortiz-Munoz, Andres;
Edgar, DRV; Kosheleva, O; Kreinovich, Vladik: (2023) "Causality:
Hypergraphs, Matter of Degree, Foundations of Cosmology", in:
Proc. 2023 Annual Conf. North American Fuzzy Information
Processing Society (NAFIPS 2023), https://scholar\_techrep/1790/
- Joslyn, Cliff A: (2023) "Gentle
Introduction to Hypergraph Analytics Using HyperNetX", 10th Wshop
on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph, [p/reprint]
- Grimes, Tom; Adams, Jesse; Adams, Mark; and Joslyn, Cliff A: (2023) "ADAPD-TNG Deep Knowledge Constructs", Nuclear Safety Research and Development Workshop
- Green, Robert E; Joslyn, Cliff A;
Myers, Audun; Rawson, MG; Magnan, Van; Lagoda, Evgeniya;
English, Sean; Nash, Evan; Battistella, Enzo; Robinson, Michael:
(2023) Permissible Walks in Attributed Hypergraphs, in: Joint
Math Meetings (JMM 2023),
- Green, Robert E; Joslyn, Cliff A; Myers, Audun; Rawson, MG; Robinson, Michael: (2023) Categorical Approach to the Dowker Structure of Hypergraph-Induced Lattices
- Chrisman, Brianna S; Varma, Maya;
Maleki, Sephideh; Brbic, M; Joslyn, CA; Zitnik, Marinka: (2023)
Representations and Algorithms in Biomedicine", in: Pacific
Symposium on Biocomputing 2023, ed. RB Altman, L Hunter et al.,
pp. 55-60, World Scientific, Sinagpore,
- Myers, Audun; Joslyn, Cliff A; Kay,
Bill; Purvine, EAH; Roeg, Greg; Shapiro, Madelyn: (2022) "Topologi
cal Analysis of Temporal Hypergraphs", SIAM MODS 2022,
- Liu, Xu T; Firoz, Jesun; Lumsdaine,
Andrew; Joslyn, CA; Aksoy, Sinan; Amburg, Ilya; Praggastis, Brenda;
Gebremedhin, Assefaw: (2022) "High-Order Line
Graphs of Non-Uniform Hypergraphs: Algorithms, Applications, and
Experimental Analysis", in: 36th IEEE Int. Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS 22), https://ieeexplore, [p/reprint]<
- Kay, WW; Aksoy, Sinan G; Baird,
Molly; Best, DM; Jenne, Helen; Joslyn, CA; Potvin, CD; Roek, Greg;
Seppala, Garrett; Young, Stephen; Purvine, Emilie: (2022)
"Hypergraph Topological Features for
Autoencoder-Based Intrusion Detection for Cybersecurity Data",
ML4Cyber Wshop., Int. Conf. Machine Learning 2022,
event=13458#collapse20252, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Meyers, Audun; Purvin,
Emilie AH; and Shapiro, Madelyn: (2022) "Topological Analysis of Temporal Hypergraph
Data", 2022 SIAM Conf. on Mathematics of Data Science,
DS22/MDS22_ABSTRACTS.pdf, [p/reprint]<
- Aksoy, Sinan G; Hagberg, Aric;
Joslyn, Cliff A; Kay, Bill; Purvine, Emilie; Young, Stephen J:
(2022) "Mod
els and Methods for Sparse (Hyper)Network Science in Business,
Industry, and Government", Notices of the AMS, v. FEB
22, pp. 287-291, http
- Liu, Xu T; Firoz, Jesun; Lumsdaine,
Andrew; Joslyn, CA; Aksoy, Sinan; Praggastis, Brenda; Gebremedhin,
Assefaw: (2021) "Parallel Algorithms for Efficient Computation of High-Order Line
Graphs of Hypergraphs", in: 2021 IEEE 28th International
Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC
5, [p/reprint]<
- Kvinge, Henry; Jefferson, Brett A;
Joslyn, Cliff A; and Purvine, EAH: (2021) "Sheaves as a Framework for
Understanding and Interpreting Model Fit", Wshop. on Topology,
Algebra, and Geometry in Computer Vision, ICCV 2021,
- Kvinge, Henry; Jefferson, Brett A;
Joslyn, Cliff A; and Purvine, EAH: (2021) "Sheaves as a
Framework for Understanding and Interpreting Model Fit", Proc. 4th
Int. Conf. Applied Category Theory (ACT 2021), (poster)
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Aksoy, Sinan;
Callahan, Tiffany J; Hunter, LE; Jefferson, Brett; Praggastis,
Brenda; Purvine, Emilie AH; Tripodi, Ignacio J: (2021) "Hypernetwork
Science: From Multidimensional Networks to Computational
Topology", in: Unifying Themes in Complex systems X: Proc.
10th Int. Conf. Complex Systems, ed. D. Braha et al., pp. 377-392,
.1007/978-3-030-67318-5_25, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A: (2021) "Semiotic and
Physical Requirements on Emergent Autogenic System", in:
Biosemiotics, v. 14, pp. 665-667,
007/s12304-021-09469-1, [p/reprint]
- Joslyn, Cliff A: (2021) "Finite Topologies and Hypergraphs: Essential
Tools for Network Science", 2021 Joint Math Meetings,
- Frazar, Sarah; Goychayev, Rustum; Joslyn, CA; and Randall, Alysha M: (2021) "Developing a Distributed Ledger for Transit Matching: An Early Prototype", PNNL Technical Report PNNL-SA-168256
- Firoz, Jesun; Liu, Xu; Lumsdaine,
Andrew; Joslyn, CA; Praggastis, Brenda; Gebremedhin, Assefaw:
(2021) "A Framework for Efficient Line Graph Computation for
Hypergraphs", SIAM Conf. on Applied and Computational Discrete
Algorithms (ACDA21), (poster)
- Feng, Song; Heath, Emily; Jefferson,
Brett; Joslyn, CA; Kvinge, Henry; McDermott, Jason E; Mitchell, Hugh
D; Praggastis, Brenda; Eisfeld, Amie J; Sims, Amy C; Thackray,
Larissa B; Fan, Shufang;
Walters, Kevin B; Halfmann, Peter J; Westhoff-Smith, Danielle; Tan,
Qing; Menachery, Vineet D; Sheahan, Timothy P; Cockrell, Adam S;
Kocher, Jacob F; Stratton, Kelly G; Heller, Natalie C; Bramer, Lisa
M; Diamond, Michael S; Baric, Ralph S; Waters, Katrina M;
Kawaoka, Yoshihiro; Purvine, Emilie: (2021) "Hypergraph Models
of Biological Networks to Identify Genes Critical to Pathogenic Viral
Response", in: BMC Bioinformatics, v. 22:287,
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Charles, Lauren;
Depernoy, Chris; Gould, N; Nowak, K; Praggastis, B; Purvine, EA;
Robinson, M; Strules, J; Whitney, P: (2020) "A Sheaf Theoretical Approach
to Uncertainty Quantification of Heterogeneous Geolocation
Information", Sensors, v. 20:12, pp. 3418,
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Aksoy, Sinan; Arendt,
Dustin; Firoz, J; Jenkins, Louis; Praggastis, Brenda; Purvine,
Emilie AH; Zalewski, Marcin: (2020) "Hypergraph
Analytics of Domain Name System Relationships", in: 17th
Wshop. on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2020),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 12901, ed.
Kaminski, B et al., pp. 1-15, Springer,
1007/978-3-030-48478-1_1, [p/reprint]
- Frazar, Sarah; Joslyn, CA;
Goychayev, Rustum; and Randall, Alysha M: (2020) "Transit
Matching Blockchain Prototype", PNNL Technical Report
PNNL-29527, [p/reprint]
- Frazar, Sarah; Joslyn, CA; Goychayev,
Rustum; and Randall, Alysha M: (2020) "D
eveloping an Electronic Distributed Ledger for Transit Matching",
in: Proc. Institute for Nuclear Materials Management Annual
Meeting, 2020, ht
- Frazar, Sarah; Goychayev, Rustum;
Randall, Alysha M; Joslyn, CA; Meville, Aaron; Whattam, Kevin:
(2020) "Exploration of Potential Application of Distributed
Ledger Technology for Managing Transactions Under Joint Technology
Development and Transfer Agreements", PNNL Technical Report
PNNL-30525, [p/reprint]<
- Firoz, Jesun; Jenkins, LP; Joslyn, CA;
Praggastis, B; Purvine, Emilie; Raugas, Mark: (2020) "Computing
Hypergraph Homology in Chapel", in: 2020 IEEE Int. Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symp. Workshops (IPDPSW 20), pp.
/10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00112, [p/reprint]<
- Aksoy, Sinan G; Joslyn, Cliff A;
Marrero, Carlos O; Praggastis, B; Purvine, Emilie AH: (2020)
Science via High-Order Hypergraph Walks", EPJ Data
Science, v. 9:16, https://doi.or
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Robinson, Michael;
Smart, J; Agarwal, K; Bridgeland, David; Brown, Adam; Choudhury,
Sutanay; Jefferson, Brett; Kraft, Norman; Praggastis, Brenda;
Purvine, Emilie; Smith, William P; Zarzhitsky, Dimitri: (2019)
Topological Hypothesis Management in a Hypergraph
Knowledgebase", in: Proc. 2018 Text Analytics Conference (TAC
2018), https://tac.
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Aksoy, Sinan; Arendt,
Dustin; Jenkins, L; Praggastis, Brenda; Purvine, Emilie; Zalewski,
Marcin: (2019) "High
Performance Hypergraph Analytics of Domain Name System
Relationships", in: Proc. HICSS Symp. on Cybersecurity Big
Data Analytics,
- Firoz, Jesun; Jenkins, LP; Zalewski,
Marcin; Joslyn, CA; Raugas, Mark V: (2019) "Graph Algorithms in
PGAS: Chapel and UPC++", in: Proc. 2019 Conf. on High
Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC 2019),
09/HPEC.2019.8916309, [p/reprint]<
- Robinson, Michael; Capraro, Chris;
Joslyn, Cliff A; Purvine, EA; Praggastis, Brenda; Ranshous, Stephen;
Sathanur, Arun: (2018) "Local Homology of Abstract
Simplicial Complexes",
- Purvine, Emilie A; Aksoy, Sinan;
Joslyn, Cliff A; Nowak, K; Praggastis, Brenda; Robinson, Michael:
(2018) "A Topological
Approach to Representational Data Models", in: Human Interface
and the Management of Information. Interaction, Visualization, and
Analytics (HIMI 2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.
10904, ed. S Yamamoto and H Mori, pp. 90-109,
1007/978-3-319-92043-6_8, [p/reprint]<
- Jenkins, Louis P; Bhuiyan, Tanver;
Harun, Sarah; Lightsey, C; Aksoy, Sinan; Stavenger, Tim; Zalewski,
Marcin; Medal, Hugh; Joslyn, Cliff: (2018) "Chapel Hypergraph
Library (CHGL)", in: 2018 IEEE High Performance Extreme
Computing Conf. (HPEC 2018), IEEE, Waltham, MA,
09/HPEC.2018.8547520, [p/reprint]<
- Frazar, Sarah; Sayre, AM; Joslyn, CA;
Schanfein, M; Kreyling, Sean: (2018) "Iden
tifying Safeguards Use Cases for Blockchain Technology", in:
Symp. on Int. Safeguards: Building Future Safeguards
Capabilities, IAEA, Vienna, http
- Frazar, Sarah; Joslyn, CA; Singh, RK;
and Sayre, AM: (2018) "Evaluating Safeguards Use Cases for
Blockchain Technology", PNNL Technical Report PNNL-28050,
- Sathanur, Arun; Choudhury, Sutanay;
Joslyn, Cliff A; and Purohit, Sumit: (2017) "When Labels Fall
Short: Property Graph Simulation via Blending of Network Structure and
Vertex Attributes", in: Proc. ACM Int. Conf. on Information and
Knowledge Management (CIKM 2017), pp. 2287-2290, ACM,
/3132847.3133065, [p/reprint]<
- Ranshous, Stephen; Joslyn, Cliff A;
Kreyling, Sean; Nowak, K; Samatova, Nagiza; West, Curtis; Winters,
Samuel: (2017) "Exchange Pattern
Mining in the Bitcoin Transaction Directed Hypergraph", in:
Proc. 2017 Conf. Int. Financial Cryptography Association (Bitcoin
2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 10323, ed. M
Brenner et al., pp. 248-263, Springer-Verlag,
.1007/978-3-319-70278-0_16, [p/reprint]<
- Purvine, Emilie A; Joslyn, Cliff A and
Robinson, Michael: (2017) "A Category Theoretical
Investigation of the Type Hierarchy for Heterogeneous Sensor
Integration", PNNL Technical Report PNNL-25784,
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Pogel, Alex and
Purvine, Emilie A: (2017) "Interval-Valued Rank
in Finite Ordered Sets", Order, v. 34:3, pp.
- Joslyn, Cliff A and Nowak, Kathleen:
(2017) "Ubergraphs:
A Definition of a Recursive Hypergraph Structure", PNNL
Technical Report PNNL-26402,
- Frazar, Sarah; Winters, Sam;
Kreyling, Sean; Joslyn, CA; West, CL; Schanefein, M; Sayre, AM:
(2017) "Exploring the Application of Shared Ledger Technology
to Safeguards and Other National Security Topics", in: Institute
for Nuclear Materials Management 58th Annual Meeting,
Inst.forNuclear Materials Mgmt, Indian Wells CA, (PNNL-SA-126685),
- Frazar, Sarah; Jarman, Ken; Kreyling,
Sean; West, CL; Winters, Sam; Sayre, Amanda; Schanfein, March;
Joslyn, Cliff: (2017) "Ex
ploratory Study on Potential Safeguards Applications for Shared Ledger
Technology", IAEA Emerging Technologies Workshop: Trends
and Implications for Safeguards, IAEA, Vienna, htt
- Joslyn, Cliff A and Purvine, Emilie A:
(2016) "Information
Measures of Frequency Distributions with an Application to Labeled
Graphs", in: Advances in the Mathematical Sciences: Research
from the 2015 Assoc. for Women in Mathematics Symp., v.
6, ed. Gail Letzter et al., pp. 379-400,
Springer-Verlag, New York,
.1007/978-3-319-34139-2_19, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Praggastis, Brenda;
Purvine, Emilie; Sathanur, A; Robinson, Michael; Ranshous, Stephen:
(2016) "Local
Homology Dimension as a Network Science Measure", in: SIAM
Workshop on Network Science, Abstracts Book, pp. 86-87, https://, [p/reprint]<
- Alsallakh, Bilal; Micallef, Luana; Aigner, Wolfgang; Hauser, H; Miksch, Silvia; Rodgers, Peter: (2016) "The State-of-the-Art of Set Visualization", Computer Graphics Forum, v. 35:1, pp. 234-260
- Wong, Pak Chung; Haglin, David;
Gillen, David; Chavarria, D; Castellana, Vito; Joslyn, Cliff;
Chappell, Alan; Zhang, Song: (2015) "A Visual Analytics
Paradigm Enabling Web-Scale Graph Exploration", in: Proc.
IEEE Symp. on Large Data Analysis and Visualizaztion (LDAV
2015), pp. 57-64, IEEE CS Press,
09/LDAV.2015.7348072, [p/reprint]<
- Robinson, Michael; Joslyn, Cliff A;
Hogan, Emilie; and Cprararo, Chris: (2015) "Conglomeration of
Heterogeneous Content Using Local Topology (CHCLT)",
American University Technical Report No. 2015-1,
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Dowling, Chase;
Kreyling, Sean; and West, Curtis: (2015) "A Formal Model of
the Bitcoin Transaction Graph and Block Chain", PNNL Technical
Report PNNL-24166, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Hogan, Emilie and
Robinson, Michael: (2014) "Towards a Topological Framework
for Integrating Semantic Information Sources", in: 2014 Conf.
on Semantic Technologies in Intelligence, Defense and Security (STIDS
2014), CEUR-WS, v. 1304, pp. 93-96,,
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Hogan, Emilie and
Pogel, Alex: (2014) "Conjugacy and Iteration of
Standard Interval Rank in Finite Ordered Sets",
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Cowley, Wendy;
Hogan, Emilie; and Olsen, Bryan: (2014) "Discrete
Mathematical Approaches to Graph-Based Traffic Analysis", in: 2014
Int. Wshop. on Engineering Cyber Security and Resilience
(ECSaR14), Stanford, [p/reprint]<
- Goodman, Eric; Jimenez, Edward;
Joslyn, Cliff A; Haglin, D; al-Saffar, Sinan; Grunwald, Dirk: (2014)
"Optimizing Graph
Queries with Graph Joins and Spinkle SPARQL", in: 2014 IEEE
Int. Conf. on Big Data, pp. 17-24,
.1109/BigData.2014.7004463, [p/reprint]<
- Zapata, Francisco; Kreinovich, Vladik;
Joslyn, Cliff A; and Hogan, Emilie: (2013) "Orders on Intervals
Over Partially Ordered Sets: Extending Allen's Algebra and Interval
Graph Results", Soft Computing, v. 17:8, pp.
07/s00500-013-1010-1, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A and Weaver, Jesse:
(2013) "Focused Belief
Measures for Uncertainty Quantification in High Performance Semantic
Analysis", in: 2013 Conf. on Semantic Technologies in Defense
and Security (STIDS 2013), CEUR-WS, v. 1097, pp. 18-24,,
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Hogan, Emilie;
Paulson, Patrick; Peterson, E; Stephan, Eric; Thomas, Dennis: (2013)
"Order Theoretical
Semantic Recommendation", in: 2nd Int. Wshop. on Ordering
and Reasoning (OrdRing 2013), at ISWC 2013, CEUR-WS, v.
1059, pp. 9-20,,
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Choudhury, Sutanay;
Haglin, David; Howe, B; Nickless, Bill; Olsen, Bryan: (2013)
Scale Cyber Traffic Analysis: A Driver for Graph Database
Research", in: Proc. 1st Int. Wshop. on GRAph Data
Management Experiences and Systems (GRADES 2013), at
- Hogan, Emilie; Hui, Peter; Choudhury,
Sutanay; Halappanavar, M; Oler, Kiri; Joslyn, Cliff: (2013)
a Multiscale Approach to Cybersecurity Modeling", in: 2013
IEEE Int. Conf. on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 2013),
pp. 80-85, IEEE,
9/THS.2013.6698980, [p/reprint]<
- Gessler, DDG; Joslyn, CA and
Verspoor, KM: (2013) "A Posteriori Ontology
Engineering for Data-Driven Science", in: Data Intensive
Science, ed. K Kleese-van Dam, T Critchlow, pp. 215-244, CRC
Press, [p/reprint]<
- Brier, S\/oren and Joslyn, CA: (2013)
"Information in
Biosemiotics: Introduction to the Special Issue",
Biosemiotics, v. 6:1, pp. 1-7,
07/s12304-012-9151-7, [p/reprint]
- Brier, S\/oren and Joslyn, CA: (2013)
Does It Take To Produce Interpretation? Informational, Peircean, and
Code-Semiotic Views on Biosemiotics", Biosemiotics, v.
6:1, pp. 143-159,
07/s12304-012-9153-5, [p/reprint]<
- Baker, Nathan; Barr, Jonathan L;
Bonheyo, George; Joslyn, CA; Krishnaswami, Kannan; Oxley, Mark;
Quadrel, Rich; Sego, Landon; Tardiff, Mark; Wynne, Adam: (2013)
Towards a Systematic Signature Discovery Process", in: 2013
IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI
2013), pp. 301-308, IEEE,
9/ISI.2013.6578848, [p/reprint]<
- Zhang, Guo-Qiang; Luo, Lingyun;
Ogbuji, Chime; Joslyn, CA; Mejino, Jose; Sahoo, Satya: (2012)
Analysis of Multi-type Relational Interactions in FMA Using Graph
Motifs", in: AMIA 2012 Symp. Proc., pp. 1060-1069, https://
- Joslyn, Cliff A and Goertzel, Ben:
(2012) "Cliff Joslyn on the Global Brain", hplus Magazine,
- Burk, Robin; Chappell, Alan; Gregory,
Michelle; Joslyn, CA; McGrath, Liam: (2012) "Pattern Discovery
Using Semantic Network Analysis", in: 3rd Int. Wshop. Cognitive
Information Processing (CIP 2012), IEEE,
9/CIP.2012.6232917, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A and Hogan, Emilie:
(2011) "Intervals,
Orders, and Rank", in: Uncertainty modeling and analysis with
Foundations, tools, applications (Dagstuhl Seminar 11371), v.
1:9, ed. Elishakoff IE et al., pp. 36-37, Leibniz Informatik,
Dagstuhl, DE, http://drops., [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Haglin, David J; Hogan,
Emilie; Heredia-Langner, A; Paulson, Patrick P; White, Amanda: (2011)
"Measuring Semantic Dispersion in Zymurgy", PNNL
Technical Report PNNL-24142, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Al-Saffar, Sinan and
Purohit, Sumit: (2011) "A Typed Path Metric in Semantic
Graphs", PNNL Technical Report PNWD-4299, [p/reprint]
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Al-Saffar, Sinan; Haglin,
David; and Holder, Lawrence: (2011) "Combinatorial Information
Theoretical Measurement of the Semantic Significance of Semantic
Graph Motifs", in: Mining Data Semantic Workshop (MDS 2011),
SIGKDD 2011, [p/reprint]<
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Adolf, Bob; al-Saffar,
Sinan; Feo, J; Haglin, David: (2011) "Report on April, 2011, Workshop on
Semantic Graph Database Search Patterns", in: Proc. Wshop.
on High Performance Computing for the Semantic Web (HPCSW 2011)
at ESWC 2011, CEUR-WS, v. 736,, [p/reprint]
- Joslyn, Cliff A; Adolf, Bob; al-Saffar,
Sinan; Feo, J; Goodman, Eric; Haglin, David; Mackey, Greg; Mizell,
David: (2011) "High
Performance Descriptive Semantic Analysis of Semantic Graph
Databases", in: Proc. Wshop. on High Performance Computing
for the Semantic Web (HPCSW 2011), at ESWC 2011, CEUR-WS,
v. 736,,
- Joslyn, Cliff A: (2011) "Obituary: Valentin
F Turchin (1931-2010)", Int. J. General Systems, v.
40:3, pp. 233-236,
- Goodman, Eric; Jimenez, Edward;
Joslyn, Cliff A; Haglin, D; Adolf, Bob; al-Saffar, Sinan: (2011)
"Sprinkle SPARQL: Optimizing Semantic Graph Database
Queries", Sandia Technical Report SAND2011-8549C, [p/reprint]
- Burk, Robin; Chappell, Alan; Davis,
Mark; Gregory, M; Joslyn, Cliff; McGrath, Liam; Morara, Michele;
Rust, Steve: (2011) "Semantic Network
Analysis for Evidence Evaluation: The Threat Anticipation
Platform", in: 2011 IEEE Network Science Workshop, pp.
162-166, IEEE,
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Chappell, Alan: (2011) "Structure Discovery in
Large Semantic Graphs Using Extant Ontological Scaling and
Descriptive Statistics", in: IEEE/WIC/ACM Int. Conf. on Web
Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), v.
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A; McCue, Lee Ann; Lansing, C; Guillen, Zoe; Corrigan, Abbie;
Cannon, William; Anderson, Gordon; Romine, Margaret: (2010)
"Final Evaluation Report for the Semantic Driven Knowledge
Discovery and Integration in the System Biology Knowledgebase
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(2010) "Order Metrics for
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Artificial Intelligence System (HAIS 2010), Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence, v. 6077, ed. ES Corchado Rogriguez
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Sinan; Feo, J; Goodman, Eric; Haglin, David; Mackey, Greg; Mizell,
David: (2010) "High
Performance Semantic Factoring of Giga-Scale Semantic Graph
Databases", in: Semantic Web Challenge 2010, Int. Semantic
Web Conf. (ISWC 2010), http://, (runner-up
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Stephan, Eric; and Joslyn, Cliff A: (2010) "Hybrid
Triple/Relational Knowledge Store Concepts", PNNL Technical Report
PNWD-4230, [p/reprint]<
- Stephan, Eric; Gillen, D; Burke, J;
Joslyn, CA; Olsen, Bryan; Critchlow, Terence; Peterson, Elena:
(2009) "Geospatial Data
Analysis for DHS Programs", in: Proc. 2009 IEEE Int. Conf.
Technologies for Homeland Security (HST 09), pp. 553-560, IEEE,
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(2009) "Taxonomy Package (TaxPac): An Experimental
Mathematics Environment for Knowledge Systems Analysis", PNNL
Technical Report PNWD-4084, [p/reprint]<
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White, Amanda: (2009) "Measuring the Structural
Preservation of Semantic Hierarchy Alignments", in: Proc. 4th
Int. Wshop. on Ontology Matching (OM-2009), CEUR-WS, v.
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Critchlow, Terence; Hengartner, N; Hogan, Emilie: (2009) "View Discovery in
OLAP Databases through Statistical Combinatorial Optimization",
in: Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 09),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 5566, ed. Maarianne
Winslett, pp. 37-55,
1007/978-3-642-02279-1_4, [p/reprint]<
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Judith; Bult, C; Dolan, M; Riensche, R; Rodland, K; Sanfilippo, A;
White, A: (2009) "Automated
Annotation-Based Bio-Ontology Alignment with Structural
Validation", in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Biomedical Ontology (ICBO
09), Nature Precedings, ed. Barry Smith, 75-78,
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Meilicke, Christian; Nikolov, Andriy; Pane, Juan; Sabou, Marta;
Scharffe, Francois; Shvaiko, Pavel; Spiliopoulos, Vassilis;
Stuckenschmidt, Heiner; Iv\'ab-Zamazal, Ondrej; Sv\'atek, Vojtech;
dos Santos, C\'assia; Vouros, George; Wang, Shenghui: (2009)
"Results of the Ontology
Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2009", in: Proc. 4th Int.
Wshop. on Ontology Matching (OM-2009), CEUR-WS, v.
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Joslyn, CA; Marshall, E; McGrath, Liam; Paulson, Patrick; Stolberg,
Sean; White, Amanda: (2009) "Supporting the Analytic Knowledge
Manager: Formal Methods for Ontology Display and Management",
in: 2009 Conf. on Ontologies for the Intelligence Community (OIC
2009), CEUR-WS, v. 555, Fairfax, VA,,
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Joslyn, Cliff: (2008) "Adjusting Annotated
Taxonomies", in: Int. J. of Foundations of Computer
Science, v. 19:2, pp. 345-358,
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Joslyn, Cliff: (2008) "Concept Lattice
Representations of Annotated Taxonomies", in: Concept Lattices
and their Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v.
4923, ed. SB Yahia et al., pp. 214-225, Springer-Verlag,
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Verspoor, KM: (2008) "Exploiting Term Relations
for Semantic Hierarchy Construction", in: Proc. Int. Conf.
Semantic Computing (ICSC 08), pp. 42-49, IEEE Computer Society,
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McGrath, Liam; Paulson, P; Verspoor, KM: (2008) "Semantic
Hierarchies: Induction, Measurement, and Management", in:
2008 NSF Symp. on Semantic Knowledge Discovery, Organization
and Use, Courant Inst., NYU, New York, https://nlp.c, (poster)
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Fernandes, R; Damante, M; Burke, J; Critchlow, T: (2008) "Hybrid
Multidimensional Relational and Link Analytical Knowledge Discovery
for Law Enforcement", in: 2008 IEEE Int. Conf. on Technologies
for Homeland Security (HST 08), pp. 161-166, IEEE, Piscataway NJ,
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Paulson, Patrick: (2008) "Evaluating the Structural Quality
of Semantic Hierarchy Alignments", in: Proc. Poster and
Demonstration Session at the 7th Int. Semantic Web Conference
(ISWC2008), CEUR-WS, v. 401,,
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Verspoor, KM: (2007) "Knowledge Integration in
Open Worlds: Utilizing the Mathematics of Hierarchical Structure",
in: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Semantic Computing (ISCS 07), pp.
105-112, IEEE,
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SM; and Joslyn, CA: (2006) "A Categorization Approach
to Automated Ontological Function Annotation", Protein
Science, v. 15:6, pp. 1544-1549,
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Rodriguez, Marko: (2006) "Representing the M and I Semantic
Space: Concept Description for Lexical Management in Support of
Ontology Development", Los Alamos Technical Report LAUR
06-1060, pp. 109-125
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Smith, SA; and Weber, PM: (2006) "SpindleViz: A Three
Dimensional, Order Theoretical Visualization Environment for the Gene
Ontology", in: Joint BioLINK and 9th Bio-Ontologies Meeting (JBB
06), [p/reprint]<
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Schmidt, SE; and Verspoor, KM: (2006) "Distributed
Representations of Bio-Ontologies for Semantic Web Services", in:
Joint BioLINK and 9th Bio-Ontologies Meeting (JBB 06), [p/reprint]
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KM; and Schmidt, SE: (2006) "Deconstruction, Reconstruction,
and Ontogenesis for Large, Monolithic, Legacy Ontologies in Semantic
Web Service Applications", Los Alamos Technical Report
06-5859, [p/reprint]<
- Ceberio, Martine; Ferson, S; Joslyn,
CA; Kreinovich, V; Gang, Xiang: (2006) "Adding Constraints to
Situations When, In Addition to Intervals, We Also Have Partial
Information About Probabilities", in: Proc. 12th GAMM - IMACS
Int. Symp. on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated
Numerics (SCAN 2006), IEEE, Duisburg, DE,
AN.2006.7, [p/reprint]<
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Ambrosiano, JA; B\"acker, A; Bodenreider, O; Hirschman, L; Karp, P;
Kelly, H; Loranger, S; Musen, M; Sriram, R; , C Wroe: (2005)
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Technical Report LAUR = 05-0907, http
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S; and Joslyn, CA: (2005) "Nearest Neighbor Categorization for
Function Prediction", in: Proc. 5th Community Wide Experiment on
the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction
(CASP 05)
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Mniszewski, SM; Rechtsteiner, Andreas; Rocha, Luis M; Simas,
Tiago: (2005) "Protein
Annotation as Term Categorization in the Gene Ontology Using Word
Proximity Networks", in: BMC Bioinformatics, v.
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Mniszewski, SM; and Joslyn, CA: (2005) "POSOLE: Automated Ontological Annotation for Function
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Estimation", Int. J. General Systems, v. 34:4, pp.
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Verspoor, KM; and Mniszewski, SM: (2005) "Automating
Ontological Function Annotation: Towards a Common Methodological
Framework", in: Proc. Eighth Annual Bio-Ontologies Meeting, ISMB
2005, Detroit, [p/reprint]<
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(2005) "Weighted
Pseudo-Distances for Categorization in Semantic Hierarchies", in:
Conceptual Structures: Common Semantics for Sharing Knowledge,
Lecture Notes in Artificial Ingelligence, v. 3596, ed. F
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(2005) "Generalized Information Theory for
Engineering Modeling and Simulation", in: Engineering Design
Reliability Handbook, ed. E Nikolaidis et al., pp. 9:1-40, CRC
429204616/chapters/10.1201/9780203483930-14, [p/reprint]<
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Hemez, Francois M; Anderson, MC; Reardon, Brian J; Joslyn, Cliff:
(2004) "Quantifying Total Uncertainty Using Different
Mathematical Theories in a Validation Assessment", in: Proc. 9th
ASCE Joint Specialty Conf. on Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural
Reliability, pp. 99, Albuquerque, [p/reprint]<
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CA; Wojtkiewicz, SF; Ferson, Scott: (2004) "Challenge Problems:
Uncertainty in System Response Given Uncertain Parameters",
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, v. 85:1-3,
pp. 11-20,
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Scherrer, Chad: (2004) "Order Theoretical Knowledge
Discovery: A White Paper", Los Alamos Technical Report LAUR =
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Fulmer, Andy; and Heaton, G: (2004) "The Gene Ontology
Categorizer", Bioinformatics, v. 20:s1, pp. 169-177,
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Susan: (2004) "Combinatorial
Approaches to Bio-Ontology Management with Large Partially Ordered
Sets", in: Proc. SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific
Computing (CSC 04), San Francisco, https://www.tau
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(2004) "Approximate Representations of Random Intervals for
Hybrid Uncertainty Quantification", in: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on
Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output (SAMO 2004), ed. KM Hanson,
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PG; and Powell, D: (2004) "Critical Infrastructure Protection
Decision Support System (CIP/DSS): Addressing Uncertainty and Risk",
Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Report LAUR 04-6720,
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and Concept Lattices as Semantic Hierarchies", in: Conceptual
Structures at Work, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, v.
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Epistemic Uncertainty Workshop: Consensus Amid Diversity",
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Amanda C; Reardon, BJ; Hemez, Francois; Anderson, Mark C;
Doebling, Scott W; Joslyn, Cliff A: (2004) "An Engineering
Perspective on UQ for Validation, Reliability, and Certification", in:
Proc. Foundations ’04 Workshop for Verification, Validation, and
Accreditation (VV&A) in the 21st Century, [p/reprint]<
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Papcun, George: (2003) "The Gene Ontology as a Source of
Lexical Semantic Knowledge for a Biological Natural Language
Processing Application", in: Workshop on Text Analysis and Search
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Analysis", in: Fourth Int. Symp. on Uncertainty Modeling and
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Second Order Cybernetics", in: Encyclopedia of Physical
Science and Technology, v. 4, ed. RA Meyers, pp. 155-170,
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"Advanced Knowledge Integration in Assessing Terrorist
Threats", Los Alamos Technical Report LAUR 02-7867, [p/reprint]<
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Wojtkiewicz, Steve; Joslyn, CA; Ferson, Scott: (2002) "Epistemic Uncertainty
Workshop", in: Reliable Computing, v. 8:6, pp.
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Susan: (2002) "Relational Analytical Tools: DataDelver and
Formal Concept Analysis", Los Alamos Technical Report LAUR =
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Susan: (2002) "DEEP: Data Exploration through Extension and
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(2002) "Bounds on
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in: Proc 2002 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy
Information Processing Society (NAFIPS-FLINT 2002), pp. 412-417,
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Joslyn, Cliff: (2001) "Assessing the
Predictive Accuracy of Complex Simulation Models", in: Proc.
2001 Joint International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress
and North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Int.
Conf., pp. 2008-2012,
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Distortion in Possibilistic Approximations of Consistent Random Sets
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Systems Architectures for Hybrid Agent-Stochastic Event Models of
Socio-Technical Organizations", Los Alamos Technical Report LAUR
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(2000) "Towards Semiotic Agent-Based Models of
Socio-Technical Organizations", in: Proc. Conf. on AI, Simulation
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Socio-Technical Organizations", in: 2000 Workshop on Virtual
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Embodied Semiosis: Emergent Semantics in Artificial
Environments", in: Proc. 1998 Conf. on Virtual Worlds in
Simulation; Simulation Series, v. 30:2, pp. 233-238, Soc.
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Intelligence: Self-Organizing Knowledge on Distributed Networks Driven
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Transitions, in: World Futures: Special Issue on
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